
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I think my stomach is getting smaller. . .

True story time! I used to be able to scarf down two and sometimes three packets of those pictured above. Each packet of ramen has two servings so that means I actually ate four to six servings whenever I had some ramen noodles. And because I'm Korean I always added eggs and kimchi with a good helping of Sriracha sauce which added to the crazy calories I was consuming.

I remember my mom would make me ramen every Saturday as a treat. It was a tradition to eat ramen before she drove me to Korean school on a Saturday morning. As a child, I felt proud to be able to eat so ramen--like hey, I can eat the same amount as an adult can! Then after I started working and could buy as much ramen as I wanted to, I ate these sodium death traps several times a week.

I always felt bloated and gross after but it tasted good to me. I guess looking back on it now I used ramen as a tool for nostalgia. I wanted to go back to the time when my mom had nothing to judge me on because I was too young.

During my Thanksgiving break I ate a lot of ramen noodles. HOWEVER. I only ate one packet at a time. I never ate two packets. In fact, I cooked one packet and while eating it I found myself amazed by how quickly I got full. How I seemed satisfied with just one ramen packet.

So I'm not dropping pounds like a contestant on The Biggest Loser. It's taken me almost two years to really start losing weight. But I'm making progress. These changes are for the long term and will last throughout my entire life.

I am still around 200 lbs but I can feel the muscles forming in my legs and arms. I can see that my stomach is slimmer and not as round. I'm proud of myself for sticking to this whole getting healthy journey of mine. I can do this.

I'm also worried about a lot of other things but I just want to focus on the successes I've had so far. I'm doing great! It's going to happen. I won't let anyone stop me from achieving my goals.


:D <3

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Touching the World

Sometimes I feel like two completely different people. There are times I will take the initiative and strike up conversation with friends and even strangers! I will organize hang outs with friends and venture to new clubs/events and meet new people. I enjoy these times when I'm interacting with people and being part of a community.

But unfortunately, more often, I am a cynical person who thinks the worst of people. I am quick to criticize and isolate myself from friends and family. I seclude myself into not just my dorm room but also my own scheduled life. I'd rather keep my schedule clear to go as I planned rather than interrupt it with a friend or checking out an event. I have to plan friend dates and heading to interesting events way in advance. And at first, that might seem reasonable, I mean everyone is so busy these days of course it would make sense that you need to schedule things in advance. But I've come to realize slowly that I will purposely avoid situations and even lie that I have things to do.

I like to think of myself as someone who tries new things--and I do. There is a small part of me that thrives on being challenged and being uncomfortable. I want to push beyond my comfort zone and keep breaking the limits of my own mind. But it's hard. No matter how much I tell myself that I can deal with change--the truth is that I want things to remain the same. I want to get better grades school but that translates to putting more effort into my school work. I want to meet more people but that means making time in schedule to just chill. I want to lose a lot of weight and that means I need to stay focused. I want to start a bunch of personal creative projects but that also takes time--time that I could be spent working and getting paid!

As a 21-year-old and in my third year of college, I feel like I've run into a giant brick wall of delusion breaking it as reality is finally starting to sink in my mind. I'm going to be 22 next year and in my final year of college. Graduate school is not the same as undergrad. I can't replicate this experience again. I have to seriously think about getting a job and making money to take care of myself. Pay back those scary loans. Start a career.

To say that this is overwhelming seems like a HUGE understatement.

The people I've spoken with say that I shouldn't worry too much. That as long as I am prepared and work hard, I can do it.

It's hard for me to sum up how much I've changed as a person in the last three years.

I mean, hello?! I go to the gym on a regular basis in a week. I don't stuff my face and choose healthier options. I don't mind speaking with strangers and telling them what I want. I couldn't even fathom a life like this in high school.

I'm scared because for the first time in my life, there is no clear cut path. There are several paths I can take. I don't know how the story ends. And I'm also scared that if I choose wrong then I just wasted my time.

Maybe it's okay to be both scared and confident. That I don't know what I want and yet still have a good idea of the life I'd like to lead. Nothing has to be absolutely set in stone. An inkling of an idea can be transformed and changed into something full-bodied, right?

I know I've made some big mistakes in my life but I do not regret making them. They're life lessons for me and there would have been no other way for me to learn them. Better to find out now rather than later.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Simply addicted.

I have a serious problem. I have problems with the internet and I really need to do something about this. It amazes me how much time I waste online. On websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and blogs. Link to another link. Hoping to find one more funny or amusing thing on the internet, I keep going and going and going. I did do half of my homework today. I got a couple things done so today wasn't a total failure.

But it's enough. I'd like to just one day relax and do whatever I want without feeling like there's still a couple more things I need to do for school/work. I bought Freedom and installed StayFocused on Google Chrome but those aren't permanent solutions.

I am really not getting anything out of it. I am merely going through the websites and content like a mindless drone. I have no goals or actual plans to do anything productive. It's like the minute I turn my computer on (or actually, it's on ALL THE TIME) I do whatever I can to avoid doing the things I want to do.

Okay. I am taking things into my own hand. I am going to change and figure this out. First of all, I can start with turning off my computer completely when I go to bed. So that way, I'm not going on the internet first thing in the morning when I should be getting ready for classes. Second, I need to minimize my time on social network websites. Third, I must use the internet for only the things I need. Like reading news from the NYT website. Or doing homework.

This means, there is a difference between going on the internet with no idea of what I'm going to be doing versus just hoping that I can multitask and do most of my homework.

I know this is a huge problem for me. I refuse to yield and let my life spiral out of control again. I can do this. I can take care of my own problems. I know what to do when my life is starting to get difficult. I face the problem and I fix it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The 21st Milestone

This is the first drink of my 21st birthday! The rest of the beverages for today will consist of cold water. Exciting.

I've never really bought into the idea that on your 21st birthday, you should go all out and get hammered. I believe in partying and having a good time but not getting yourself sick. Lying in the emergency room with my stomach being pumped is not my idea of a good time.

But this year, I want to take it easy. Birthdays used to be such a big deal when I was a kid. How many people came to my party. How many presents I received. How many cards people made me.

So far, only one person who is not a family member texted me a happy birthday. I purposely deactivated  my Facebook to see who would remember. I have zero doubts that there won't be too many more after that which is sad because I have more close friends than that. I'm not going to be mad/resentful to my friends who don't wish me a happy birthday because that's just petty. But it makes me realize that I need to work on my relationships more with friends.

And ever since I've turned 18, I have felt so lost and scared. I mean, hello?! I'm 21. Where did all the years ago? I can remember starting kindergarten for the first time, moving to a new time, learning how to drive, and graduating high school. Now I'm in my third year of college. Frick.

I can't help looking back at my life and wondering if I've really grown and matured. Am I a better person? Or am I worse? What has been my contribution so far to society?

Big thoughts. I am just focused on one goal right now and that is to lose 90 lbs. Tomorrow will be the official weigh-in day but I've lost around 10 lbs so far.

Next year though? My birthday is going to be awesome.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lashing Out

I really hate people who can't be polite or pleasant the first time around. The people who seem to just cop an attitude and think they're entitled to whatever they please without the consideration of others.

And when you work in the service industry like myself, you get to meet a lot of these people. One of my many jobs is a security monitor on campus. I deal with a lot of college students who seem to think the best route to getting what they want is to treat me with disrespect and swear. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would such behavior persuade me to give you what you want? What makes you so special that I have to treat you differently?

Seriously, I've held in my anger and been passive way too long. I always try to be nice and polite and understanding. And if you're generally cooperative and not a rude douchebag, I bend the rules and do what I can to help.

Case in point, one example of a girl who refused to have her guy friend get her ID because she didn't like anyone "touching" her purse. Gah, I'm just pissed off the way she said her piece to my friend who was working. I shouldn't have said anything and let my friend decide but people like that really piss me off. Next time, remember to keep silent if the other person is handling it well. But if I ever run into that girl while I'm working, oh goodness she will be served a very big helping of justice and maybe some humble pie too.

Ugh. Just angry right now that people treat others like dirt with absolutely no good reason behind it.

I also find it hilarious that I basically complained about the girl's behavior to my friend while the rude girl's guy companion was still there. What does he do? Tell me that I'm wrong and this girl is actually a sweet person? Tell me that I should be quiet and not say anything? Nope, just remains silent. Looks away--maybe deep down he believes and knows I'm telling the truth.

Sad, isn't it?